Current Sermon Series

Christ is for Us
Lenten & Easter Sermon Series
Our worship series for this Lenten and Easter season “Christ is for Us” offers comfort and hope as we reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross. We can be rest assured that his life, death, and resurrection are for us. God sent God’s one and only Son into the world as our Savior, Emmanuel, God with us—to save us and make us whole. This is good news because Jesus has given us the victory of life eternal in him. So, take heart Christ is
on our side, pulling for us and our victory is sure. Christ came for you and me and for all the world—God’s gift for us and for everyone. Christ is for us! Thanks be to God!
Upcoming Events
- Wed, Mar 05St Thomas UMC
- Wed, Mar 05In the Front Parking Lot
- Tue, Mar 04In the Narthex
See more upcoming events on our Events page.

Worship at St. Thomas
We welcome you to become a part of God's ministry in our midst. We invite all people and especially seek to provide a church home for those who haven't found a place where their faith can grow and their gifts are shared for God's glory.
Sunday Worship Times:
9:00 AM - Traditional Service with Hymns, Organ, and Piano
11:00 AM - Contemporary Service with Praise Band
A children’s message is provided weekly at the Contemporary Service and the sacrament of Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month.
Worship services are offered in-person and via livestream via our website and through the St. Thomas Facebook page at the times noted above. These options help to ensure the health and well-being of our community.
We exist to REACH, NOURISH, and SERVE the community so all may
experience healing and new life through Jesus Christ.