St. Thomas is guided in its care ministries by the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) and Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 12:24 -26 that states, “But God has put the body together… that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”
As a community of faith, we seek to care for one another in ways that demonstrate the profound love God offers each of us so that in turn this love is tangible in times of deep suffering and joy. This is an essential way we nourish the body of believers, the church. When we fail to care for one another, we are more likely to feel spiritually hungry, isolated, and hopeless.
At St. Thomas, we place a high value on caring for one another.
Examples of some of our caring ministries include:

Prayer Chain. This ministry confidentially passes along requests for prayers and follows up by praying for those in need. Prayer requests may be submitted online through the church’s website or by emailing receptionist@stthomasumc.org, or calling the church office, 703-368-5161.

Baptism Picture Books, which are lovingly dedicated by name and prayed over, help to mark a significant milestone in a child’s life during baptism at St. Thomas and welcomed into our church family.

Card and Calling Ministry A small but dedicated team sends cards and makes calls to lift up those who are facing illness, loss or other crisis as well as to celebrate joys such as welcoming babies, celebrating marriages, or someone’s retirement.

Quilt Ministry, which lovingly quilts a variety of items to wrap the receivers in God’s warm embrace during times of serious illness or great sadness.

Care Packages for College Students. Several times each year, a small team prepares care packages to send to those students enrolled in college to help support them and remind them of God’s love.

Extending the Communion Table. On the first Sunday of each month several trained Lay Communion Stewards take the consecrated bread and juice from that morning’s worship service to those who are unable to attend church services in our sanctuary due to illness, pregnancy, or other limiting factors.

Gift Bibles. A new dedicated bible is given to each Confirmand or adult when they join the church and become a professing member of the church family.

​Bereavement Team, which assists families with funerals and memorial services, as well as the associated receptions for family and friends.

Grief Booklets. After the death of a loved one, four booklets are mailed over the course of the first year to the immediately families of those who are grieving. These booklets help the bereaved process the pain they may be feeling and provides faithful encouragement and support.

When a member or loved one dies, it can feel overwhelming. The St. Thomas pastors and staff are here to walk with you through the process of planning a meaningful celebration of life that honors your loved one -- whether the service is held in the church's Sanctuary, a military chapel, or funeral home.
These caring ministries reflect Christ’s love for us and allow us to serve and assist each other. Please let us know if you would like some help. We care about you!
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