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St Thomas Welcome Statement

At St. Thomas, one of our five core values is being RELATIONAL. Our connection with God and each other guides everything. We pursue loving relationships with one another. We believe life change happens in community.  We need each other to grow and become more like Christ.

We ground this value in Hebrews 10:24-25 from the New Testament, which states: 


Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

This core value pushes us to realize that while hospitality happens inside a church, it does not begin at
the church’s front door. Instead, it starts in the hearts of our members wherever they are reaching new
people for Christ and sharing God’s love with the world.


  • We believe all persons are created in the image of God and have sacred worth. Therefore, we will treat one another with justice, kindness, dignity, and respect.


  • We welcome everyone without exception.


  • We believe God extends mercy and grace to all, gifting and loving us for ministry. As his beloved children, God calls us to extend this same mercy and grace to others.


  • While we hold a variety of perspectives on faith, theology, and biblical interpretation, we are committed to being a church where it is safe to disagree, express doubt, and share sincere convictions. We covenant to respect, love and serve one another along our faith journeys.


  • We are committed to providing a spirit of welcome to every person who attends and wants to participate in our worship services, small groups, classes, and ministries.

New Here?


Our Mission: "We exist to reach, nourish and serve the community so all may experience healing and new life through Jesus Christ."


St. Thomas United Methodist Church is a dynamic and growing church that strives to reach, nourish and serve the community. We recognize Jesus Christ as the source of our salvation and strive to spread the good news throughout the greater Manassas and Prince William area so that all may experience healing and new life. We believe there is so much more to this life!


To accomplish our mission, we offer a variety of programs, outreach projects, and mission opportunities for members, neighbors, and guests alike. As with all United Methodist Churches, we have an open communion table, which means we welcome all who believe in Jesus to participate. Communion is offered during worship on the the first Sunday of the month at both services and every Sunday at the 11 am service.


Fellowship also happens on Tuesday evenings from 5 - 5:45 PM when we eat dinner together. We encourage you to stop by - your first meal is on us. Please visit the Welcome Desk to pick up a small gift from us that includes your free meal ticket.


If you'd like to know more about us and the many ways to get involved, please contact the church office or feel free to explore our website. Better yet, plan to attend the next Taste of St. Thomas event designed for newcomers! These events occur every six to eight weeks.

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