"In the essentials, unity; in the non-essentials, diversity; in all things, love." --John Wesley

Our basic beliefs are shared by most Christians:
There is one God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, both human and divine, and He is the one Savior of the world.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and it contains all things necessary for salvation.
We believe that becoming a Christian is not a matter of simply going through a ceremony or believing a certain set of doctrines; rather we enter a relationship through faith with God in Christ, and then begin a lifelong process of growth in that relationship.
We practice open communion; this means you don't have to be a United Methodist to receive Holy Communion with us, just one who loves God and seeks to live at peace with your fellow man.
We believe in "the trained mind and the warmed heart"-- that is, education and spiritual formation are important, but these must be coupled with a personal commitment to God. In other words, one can study the bible and gain information (which is not bad in and of itself), however, the true aim of faith is always tempered by a personal relationship and willingness to follow Jesus in loving God and others.
To learn more about our rich theological heritage, see UMC.org.
The following are links to the different parts of the United Methodist Church that our local church falls under: