But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:8-9

A witness is someone who saw events take place and then tells others. Mary Magdalene witnessed the empty tomb and went and told the disciples the news of Jesus’s resurrection. We’re called as church members to witness to others about God’s love for us. I’ve been able to do this as a confirmation mentor. This has been challenging, since it’s not natural for me to talk about God’s love. While I haven’t been a witness to something as major as Jesus’s resurrection, I still feel called to report my witness in how God has given my life purpose and has claimed me as one of His own.
Being a mentor requires a lot of responsibility, patience, and listening skills. It also requires being able to recall instances of witnessing God’s love. Through this act of service, I’m able to be more like Him and witness His love to those I interact with.
This is why the confirmation process, which is designed to help guide confirmands into becoming mature believers in the church, has also helped me learn a lot about myself while also being able to pass on what I’ve learned so far. I hope to continue this process and learn to witness God’s love, I’ll be able to benefit both myself and my mentee.
About Mitchell Banner
Mitchell has attended St. Thomas since a young age. He now volunteers for the Children’s Ministry, and before that the Food Pantry Ministry. Outside of church, he works as a proposal writer, and also enjoys running, reading, creative writing, traveling, sketching, and learning languages.