Housing Assistance to Homeless Residents living in our community of Prince William County, the City of Manassas and Manassas Park.
Prosperity House is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides housing assistance and related support services to homeless residences of Prince William County, the City of Manassas and Manassas Park. Prosperity House Transitional Housing is a transitional housing facility for single men, women, married couples, and families with children, who are prepared to achieve independent living and productive citizenship within the community. Prosperity House receives referrals from area shelters and organizations that work with the homeless. Appropriate candidates must meet HUD requirements and Prosperity House eligibility guidelines. At present, Prosperity House has 15 rental units in Manassas City and Western Prince William County which provide temporary housing for rent up to 24 months.
Our Mission
It is our mission to provide safe and affordable housing to individuals and families who are homeless and whose income is less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI); to help residents increase their skills and income and to help them achieve greater self-determination and obtain and remain in permanent housing. Individuals and families who qualify for Prosperity House affordable housing are identified as extremely low income (income less than 30% of the AMI), very low income (between 30% and 50%) and low income (between 50% and 80%).