COVID-19 Guidelines
COVID-19 Procedures For Sunbeam Children’s Center
The health and safety of the children in our school and community is our number one priority. We have all been experiencing a new way of life with the COVID-19 or Coronavirus. We have been quarantined in our homes, had to wear masks outside, physically distance ourselves from loved ones and friends, and some of us have not been able to work or go to school. It is important that we take precautions, as symptoms may not be the same for every person. To make sure this illness does not continue to spread, we intend to take all reasonable precautions, such as:
The CDC recommends universal masking in Early Childhood Education programs for those two years of age and older, regardless of vaccination Status. At this time masking is optional for student, staff and parents of SCC.
We ask if you or anyone in your household has been ill, please stay home. If your child’s temperature is 100.4 degrees or above, they will not be allowed to attend school. Children should be fever free without medication for 24 hours prior to returning to the childcare program.
If a case of COVID-19 arises. The staff or child with COVID-19 will not be allowed to return for a minimum of 5 days. The day you test positive is day zero. The staff or child may return on day 6 but must wear a mask for the other 5 days.
Physical Distancing: The children will be broken down into smaller groups during class time activities. This may mean that class activities will be completed in separate groups, or class sizes will be reduced. Classroom furniture will be arranged to provide more space for children to play. Doors may be open to provide more air circulation. During naptime, children’s cots will be placed in rows from head to feet. This ensures that no child coughs or sneezes into another child’s face while napping/resting.
Sanitizing and Disinfecting: To keep everyone as safe as possible, we will continue our efforts to disinfect our facility several times a day. Staff will increase their frequency of cleaning surfaces and classroom materials. Surfaces such as doorknobs, sink handles, changing tables and all other surfaces will continue to be disinfected regularly. Toys in the individual classrooms and the Big Room will be labeled Monday-Friday and only used on their set day of the week. This will help limit the spread of germs. Each afternoon a staff member will disinfect the toys.
We ask that you notify us immediately should your child, or someone in the household, become ill.
Hand Washing: Children and staff will wash hands more frequently throughout the day to reduce the transmission of germs. Hand washing is still the #1 way of combating illness. Proper hand washing and the covering up of coughs and sneezes into the elbow will be reinforced in the childcare facility and will be monitored closely by staff. If you have questions about our sick policy, please let us know or refer to page 12 of the Parent Handbook located on our website HERE.
We are committed to protecting the health of our children, staff and families in our community by taking the everyday preventative measures listed above; however, it is also important for families to monitor their own health for any symptoms. If you are sick, please stay home to protect others. We will continue to follow these guidelines diligently to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. The CDC website will continue to be monitored closely for any additional guidelines and precautions. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Director or Assistant Director, available in the front office. We thank you for your partnership during this time and we will continue to update you as we receive new information.
God bless,
Veronica McGuin
SCC Director