Serve at Church
We believe that faith is not a spectator sport and want folks to discover their place in ministry based on their spiritual gifts, life experiences, and passion for ministry! Periodically throughout the year, we offer small group classes to help members identify their spiritual gifts and then use them.
In the meantime, there are many ways to get connected and be a part of what God is doing through St. Thomas -- whether it's through our food pantry, greeting on Sundays or singing in one of our choirs. Or, maybe you have administrative gifts to share and are great at organizing behind the scenes. There is truly something for everyone. To learn more, please contact the church office to help find the right fit for your gifts and your schedule.
For those interested in serving in leadership on one of the required committees or ministry teams in the Book of Discipline (Church Council, Nominations & Leadership Development, Finance, Staff Pastor Parish Relations, or Trustees), please complete the Leadership Application below to share your interests. Questions or need more help contact the church office if you are interested in serving at church!
Ongoing, monthly needs
Front-Door Greeters: Greeting as people come through the doors, checking in, and helping point new people to the Welcome Desk.
Welcome Desk Greeters: Welcoming new people, ascertaining their needs, and escorting with them to where they need to go (nursery, Sunday School rooms, etc).
Ushers: Helping ensure the worship service runs smoothly by helping to seat guests, passing out bulletins, taking the morning offering, etc.
Hospitality Ministry: Helping staff, preparing and cleaning up our coffee service and hospitality that is offered throughout the morning on Sundays.